Question of the Week- January 18

18 01 2010

We all know that back in the day, black people had lots of color issues (better known as colorism) with the brown paper bag test, the blue vein test and favoring those with lighter skin. I can still see some remnants today: some guys say they want a ‘red bone’ and others want to have a mixed-race child so he/she can “good” hair. And I know it exists in other ethnic communities…

This week’s question: Do you think colorism is still an issue in the black community? In what ways?

As always, your comments are greatly appreciated!



One response

18 01 2010

Yes, it still is a very big issue in the black community.

In high school (I graduated in 2004) we had one friend in our group (she was light skinned) who would commonly scrub her elbows and knees so they wouldn’t get dark. I’m assuming this is something her mother passed down to her.

Currently, I have a friend who attends college in Alabama and he constantly has conversations with his friends, both male and female, about color preferences. He says he prefers light skinned women. When other women around him hear that a big argument seems to start.

As well, in recent news some have commented that our President’s success can be contributed to the fact that he’s a “lighter” African American.

There are so many examples we can discuss, but ultimately it still is a very big issue in our community.

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